About reports

What Are Inspection Reports for Daycare Services?

Inspection reports for daycare services are documents prepared after annual control visits to childcare institutions such as nurseries and kindergartens. The purpose of these reports is to ensure that the institutions operate well and comply with applicable legislation. The inspections focus on the daily operations in the institution as well as the educational work with the children.

What Does an Inspection Report Contain?

  • Observations: An educational consultant observes the daily work with the children based on a series of criteria essential for the children's well-being, learning, development, and formation.
  • Professional Dialogue: A dialogue is held with the institution's management, staff, and parent representatives to discuss the observations and the educational practice.
  • Assessment: The consultant provides an assessment of the institution's educational efforts based on observations and dialogue. This assessment can range from maintaining the current efforts to necessary adjustments or major changes.

Possible Outcomes of the Inspection

  • Maintain Efforts: The institution should continue its good educational work and continuously develop its practice.
  • Adjust Efforts: The institution should make necessary adjustments to its practice.
  • Change Efforts: The institution should make changes to its practice, with specific recommendations for follow-up actions.
  • Initiate a New Effort: The institution should do something significantly different in its practice, with specific recommendations for follow-up actions.

Follow-Up on the Inspection

If the inspection raises concerns about the educational quality or other aspects of the institution, a heightened inspection may be initiated. This involves more frequent and intensive control visits as well as support and guidance for the institution to address the issues.


Inspection reports are essential for ensuring high educational quality in daycare services. They provide institutions with feedback and guidance to improve their practice, ultimately benefiting the children's well-being, learning, and development.